Project Management

I have been managing projects (without realizing it) from a very young age – when at just 12 years old I started my own music tutoring business. Since then I have developed and managed projects for Circle K International, the UCLA Career Center, and Peace Corps Mozambique. 

Circle K International at UCLA
  • Conservation Carnival: managed a team of 20 volunteers who produced an hour-long event that taught conservation practices to 800 middle school students
  • UCLA Volunteer Days: led over 200 volunteers on educational and beautification service projects for 3 UCLA Volunteer Days
  • Alexandria House and Samoshel Cooknights: organized a biweekly service project which provided healthy and nutritious meals to approximately 80 persons experiencing homelessness
  • Science Field Trips: led and managed trips which provided over 150 underprivileged students with educational programs at local museums
UCLA Career Center
  • Break Into Biotech: co-planned and managed an informational panel and networking event which provided over 60 undergraduate students with tips and resources for entering the biotechnology industry
  • Conferencing 101: developed a 50 minute workshop that teaches undergraduate students how to leverage conferences for career opportunities
Peace Corps Mozambique
  • Additional Volunteer Training: co-planned and led 4 additional weeks of training activities for a group of 50 education volunteers


As a neuroscience major at UCLA, research was a vital component of my undergraduate experience. During my 3 years working as a research assistant at Dr. Katsushi Arisaka’s laboratory at UCLA, I developed a novel experimental method for which I was granted membership in the Undergraduate Research Scholars Program and received Departmental Honors in Neuroscience. I also obtained a research fellowship at The Scripps Research Institute as part of the Research Experience for Undergraduates program funded by the National Science Foundation. 

Arisaka Laboratory, UCLA 
Miller Laboratory, The Scripps Research Institute


From essays analyzing old Italian texts to grant proposals, blog posts to entire university seminars, I’ve written a lot of different material. While it may not constitute high literature, I have created quite a bit of content worth reading. 

Seminar Course Content: Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness
Essays on Texts and Other Interesting Things
Neuroscience Papers
Grant Proposals

For a summary of my work, check out my resume